December 22, 2024
Candle of Love
Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent, and we are lighting the Candle of Love (also known as the Angel’s Candle). This is the third purple candle in our Advent Wreath. This color represents
royalty. The Candle of Love is symbolic of the love of God who sent His Son into the world to die and rise again for our sins. We cannot comprehend this kind of amazing love. What wondrous love is this! This candle also represents the love of the angels as they proclaimed the birth of the Savior of all mankind.
Christmas Eve Service
On Tuesday evening at 5:00, we will observe a Christmas Eve service. We will be lighting the Christ Candle, the large white candle in our Advent Wreath, at this service. We hope you will make plans to join us for this special service in honor of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
We will be collecting this entire month for the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Every penny donated goes directly toward missionaries’ salaries, housing, medical care, transportation, and children’s education.
If you have not done so, please pay for your poinsettia today. We would like the poinsettias to remain in our Sanctuary through our Christmas Eve service and on our church service next Sunday. So, you may take your poinsettias home after our worship hour next Sunday
Church Envelopes for 2025
Please stop by the Welcome Center and pick up your church offering envelopes for 2025. If you don’t see a box of envelopes with your name on it, and you would like one, please call Cheryl at 919-494-5121 and let her know.
Praying Hands Blanket Ministry
This is an ongoing ministry in our church. Please see Ella Wilson for more information.